Today is my 21st birthday.

I’m not sure what to say other than that because, while 21 is considered a big deal in the states, birthday’s are rather anti-climatic for me. I haven’t had a party since elementary school, don’t get piles of presents, and spent last night writing and editing manuscripts for a nonfiction writing workshop rather than going out.

I am not really one for New Year’s Resolutions as the New Year is an arbitrary date that holds little personal meaning to me. Rather, I set birthday resolutions. ‘

In the next year….

  • I resolve to continue to work on being a better friend to the amazing individuals who love and support me despite all of my quirks.
  • I resolve to work tirelessly to build the best company possible.
  • I resolve to look for opportunities to support others in their ventures and endeavors.
  • I resolve to take care of myself so that I can continue to do what I do for as long as possible.

There is not much that I feel the need to wish for on my birthday. I live, as Ke$ha would put it, a crazy beautiful life.

So, I close on a thank you. Thank you to the insane individuals who brought me into this world, you created a monster 🙂 Thank you to my sisters for keeping it real with me. Thank you to my friends for laughing with, and at, me and thank you to all of the people who, although we haven’t met or I just haven’t realized it yet, have supported me in getting to where I am today.

Much Love,