It’s Finally Summer and Change is in the Air

To me, New Year’s has always seems like a strange time to make resolutions for the future. It’s an arbitrary date in the middle of the winter. There is no huge difference between my life December 31 and January 1. Summer makes more sense. Exams are over, school is out, and the sun blazes. There is a change in routine and pattern that comes with the end of the school year that, I believe, is conducive to changing oneself. Summer is a time for adventure.

Looking back on the past year is mind-boggling. I changed schools, change cities, changed jobs, and have been juggling being a student and a professional with a fair amount of chaos. Last year, when I got out of school, I promised myself I would work on opening up. I am proud to say that throughout this year I focused on building relationships and a group of friends that I care deeply about.

I also wanted to strive to live in the moment. I think it is an unattainable goal for many people, and I may be one of them. It is hard not to think about the future. However, little adjustments in my day-to-day life including not working in bed, going out more, and cooking constantly have allowed me to better focus on the now.

And so, as I look to the summer and another round of promises I want to work on eliminating things that are unnecessarily stressful, recommit to my personal fitness, and be flexible to change.

This summer I will have my first apartment in NYC, turn 21, and decide whether to go back to school in the fall or fully commit to entrepreneurship.

It’s finally summer. Change is in the air.