My 10 Favorite Twitter Accounts

I was going to list my 10 favorite Twitter accounts because I didn’t have time to post yesterday and am too lazy to actually write something with entertainment value. I opened my twitter thing, went to “Following”, and realized that my favorite accounts are all personal friends, not crazy article-posting wisdom-sharing tycoons.

As a 20 year old today I am constantly reminded of how disconnected my generation is. We have thousands of friends on Facebook, few of whom we really know. We text instead of talking face-to-face or even calling. We spend hours a day hidden behind screens (case and point). Overall, I think this is negative for our maturation and ability to understand social situations. Warranted, I have like zero social skills and I grew up without TV, barely know how to use my computer, and have taken to jabbing randomly at my Ipad when I get frustrated. Maybe I am not the best sample. But, as disconnected as we are, there are some great pro’s that come with the systems that connect us virtually. I am lucky enough to have friends all over the world and Twitter, Facebook, etc. allow me to stalk them and like 99% of their photos/tweets within 30 seconds of them being posted. It’s great.

I also really want a bagel right now and that mandates getting out of the towel I have been wearing since showering an hour ago and writing something to post so I don’t feel like a blogging failure. So, rather than sharing my favorite Twitter accounts I am going to share a few of my favorite tweets that probably don’t relate to your life whatsoever. Hopefully they are a little bit of proof that there is a positive to our obsessive phone use. We have created an ecosystem in which it is amazingly easy to engage individuals from around the world in a community of innovation, entrepreneurship, silliness, and a whole lot of crazy.

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Seriously though, dry cleaning a dress is like $12+. That is ridiculous. I vote free dry cleaning for all.

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Another serious philosophical question. If anyone knows the answer please let me know. I owned a pair of button up fly pants once. Ended up sewing velcro in. Didn’t work any better.

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Now, that is not a problem in NYC but I can empathize.

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Philosophy on a Saturday night.

Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 10.01.48 AMThis is the situation for 90% of the entrepreneurs/students I know. Dressing for school is not our forte. If we keep it up long enough though, it will probably catch on as a fashion statement.