A Rant on Dating with No Central Argument or Purpose

“For love is immortality.” – Emily Dickinson

A few months ago I sat on a panel for Monique Coleman’s talk show GimmeMo. The topic of the episode was “Sex & Dating.” When I told a friend of mine, who is an Associate Producer of the show, that I would be willing to talk about anything if they ever needed somebody who had been in front of a camera and can jabber for an infinite length of time I was not expecting to be called a week later by Mo herself. She asked whether there was anything I wouldn’t talk about. Now, a really savvy person would probably be able to come up with a few things on the spot when the subject being tossed around is sex. I am not that really savvy person. I was all in. Less than a week later I was perched precariously on a stool next to the Love Editor for Seventeen (who is awesome! Shout out to Devin!) and a few dapper gentlemen praying that I wouldn’t slip off.

Long story short, my parents and siblings watched with friends and found my anecdotes on sex hilarious (thanks mom!) and I left feeling like Lena Dunham – basically badass. That was in October. It is now about five months later and the Lena Dunham badassery has worn off, New York City is a bit less gilded, and I am still wonderfully single despite pledging to go on at least a first date with anyone with the hutzpah to ask me.

I grew up reading the New York Times but there is only one feature that I am still truly religious about – the Sunday commitments section. Now, when caught reading it I am liable to yell that “I just like to see if there are any crazy age differences!” That is a lie. I love reading it because it is just so gosh darn adorable. I even periodically google my parents so I can read their engagement announcement which was published on January 19, 1986 and bears the title “Edward E. Biddle Becomes Fiancé of Miss Horsey.” Fun Fact: their wedding announcement was published May 25th of the same year.

I am a child who grew up referencing Emily Post’s seminal yet dated Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. I ran around in my mom’s debutante dress and owned (and rocked!) white gloves. I have even had my engagement ring picked out for years. For any eligible bachelors out there it is a family heirloom so I can save you like $10,000 minimum – I’m a catch! I have a traditional streak which is ingrained in me, perhaps to a fault. So why was I on a panel about sex and dating in the 21st century? Because I am loud, outspoken, willing to embarrass myself, and I make lots and lots of mistakes that are hilarious in retrospect and completely out of line with every piece of dating advice I would ever give out.

It seems to me like New York City is both the best and the worst place in the world to be single. You are surrounded by millions of single young people and yet you are an island that can walk by George Clooney on the sidewalk and not even notice because you have trained yourself to tune everything out including, but not limited to, homeless people, crazy people and hotties. Every week I see or receive invites to singles networking events, mixers, parties, happy hours, etc. I am automatically unable to attend most because I am a young-in (read under 21) but I am about 100% sure that I wouldn’t even if I could. It has been externally verified that I have just about 0 small talk skills (on a 10pt scale) and would rather be reading a book whilst on the treadmill and listening to One Direction shamelessly than bumbling through a conversation with Webster who lives in Brooklyn and works for an indie something-or-other.

To conclude, below is a very NYTimes heavy list of some of my favorite recent (and not so recent) articles on dating, love, and beyond. They are my gift to you and, if you are male, breathing, not yet terrified, and free on a Friday night I like good food, live music, walking long distances, and practical footwear. Hit me up, I might just say yes…maybe…if I don’t download a new book onto my Kindle before you ask…George R.R. Martin is my number one man right now.

“No girl who is 23-years-old should be sleeping with a 23-year-old!” – Really good argument for dating older. Not to be shared with fathers, they will generally freak out.

Rethinking the Zoo Dating Game – This is actually about captive breeding of animals in zoos but replace all the animals with people and it’s actually pretty spot on. They basically want to make “The Bachelor” for tigers.

Each Wed in 1980, Three Sisters and Their Spouses Look Back – I ran around the house reading this out loud to my family one-by-one (I have 2 sisters so it seemed particularly relevant). I think my mom finally shredded it after I took it out of the recycling bin a few too many times.

6 Dating Habits You Should Ditch – Because we all need more things to be worried about while on a first date. Thanks Cosmo for reminding me I have no social skills!

Chubby, Skinny, Accepting – Less corny than the title article on loving yourself before you can love anyone else.

Embarrassing Dating Stories – Just one of the thousands of results that come up when you Google “Embarrassing Dating Stories” (big surprise). These are really good for easing nerves. That is, until one of them happens to you, then you just freak out.