Goodbye College Dropout, Hello Junior Year

Goodbye College Dropout, Hello Junior Year

They say the third time’s the charm, so I’m going back to school.

I wrote a long piece about the importance of education and how even though it is a pretty messed up system it is still a meaningful institution, but I decided not to publish it.

Unlike when I dropped out, I don’t feel like I have a lot to say. Maybe this is because few people are critical of going to college. Strangers don’t ask, “Why would you do that?” They don’t say, “You know you’re ruining your life, right?”

I don’t feel the urge to explain my decision mostly because nobody is demanding that I do so.

I will be studying anthropology and creative writing. I am sure that being in a creative and stimulating environment of the kind that is not unique to, but are often found in, educational institutions will challenge me to be a better writer and thinker.

I am nervous about returning to a system that I have not had the best track record with, but I am excited to be back in a community where I can, for at least part of the day, focus solely on learning.

Sure, I will still be working. I’ll be writing, running my websites, and doing some speaking, but school will be my full-time job.

Orientation started yesterday. I have my class schedule picked out and am trying to determine what books I can get away with not buying.

I might be on the 7-year college plan, but I will get my degree.

Columbia here I come.


P.S. I will be attending the School of General Studies, an undergraduate college of Columbia University.

P.P.S. In 2014, I wrote a mission statement to help guide me through the year. In some ways I lived up to it and in others, as happens with most New Year’s resolutions, I could have done better. Nevertheless, it definitely applies to what I will be trying to manifest in 2015.

By focusing on qualitative measures of achievement, I will avoid being bogged down by numbers and figures that have little to no role in my eventual spiritual success. I will be sure to reciprocate the support and love that my friends show me and that drives me through seemingly insurmountable challenges. I will laugh more, dwell less on the temporary, love without caution, and take care of my body and mind. More than anything, in everything that I do, I will strive to be happy.


More Articles On Education:

If You Are Googling Whether You Should Drop Out Of College, Stop. (April 2014)

The College Dropout (July 2013)

Finding My Way Back To All-Girls Education (March 2013)